2-day Boot-Camp
Demonstrate the GRANTING AVENUES-STEPS TO SUCCESS Program's concepts, tools and proven strategies.
Discuss the mentality and work ethic needed to become and prolong success, in all facets of life.
Guide through the process of removing/avoiding obstacles that impede personal growth.
Help to build the mindset of continuous self improvement and marketing your personal brand.
Day 1
Workbook Overview/ Brainstorming
Introducing Tools- Steps to Success
Introducing Tools- Mentors
Introducing Tools- Contracts
Day 2
Overcoming Obstacles- Attitude
Focused Mentality- The Business of You
Motivation- Internal/ External
Building Your Personal Brand
Closing- Recap- Certificate Presentations
Contact us via email: info@grantingavenues.com
Type "Steps to Success, 2-Day Bootcamp" in the subject line and we will get a consultation scheduled.